** Please note this event is now sold out - no more tickets will be issued**
the relevance and status of non-figurative painting in contemporary art
A one-day symposium, co-hosted by the University of Gloucestershire and the RWA (The Royal West of England Academy) will be held on Monday 4th February 2019 at the RWA in Bristol.
The symposium is timed to coincide with the exhibition Albert Irvin and Abstract Expressionism (8 December 2018 – 3 March 2019). This exhibition, curated by RWA President Stewart Geddes is the first major retrospective of Albert Irvin, placed in tandem with a 60th anniversary celebration of the seminal exhibition, The New American Painting.
The focus of the symposium will be on the current
status of non-figurative painting, within contemporary art practice, considered
against the background of the history delineated by the exhibition Albert Irvin and Abstract Expressionism. That
is, from the high-water mark of American painting in the 1940s and 50s and its seminal
influence on a generation of British artists, non-figurative painting has often
been sustained against the grain of artworld fashion. Nevertheless, it
continues to thrive.
For further information, please contact Richard Salkeld rsalkeld@glos.ac.uk
The Symposium Programme
Date and time: Monday 4th February 2019, 10.00-16.30
Location: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1PX
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Tickets are available through University of Gloucestershire Online Store - click on links, below
Date and time: Monday 4th February 2019, 10.00-16.30
Location: Royal West of England Academy, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1PX
Michael Tooby: Inextinguishable:
contexts for the work of Albert Irvin (Keynote address)
Fletcher: Abstraction and Semiosis in the
Paintings of Albert Irvin
Matthew Macaulay: Abstract Painters in Higher Education 1970-2000
Blannin: Patches: a dialogue between the concrete and the gesture in
Nadja Plein: The Intentional Brushstroke
Tom Palin: Pictures,
Truths and Methods: From Function to Form in Abstract Painting
The event is now sold out - the links below have been disabled
Tickets are available through University of Gloucestershire Online Store - click on links, below
£30.00 - institutionally affiliated attendees
£20.00 - others
£15.00 - RWA members, students, unwaged